Friday, March 7, 2008

A complete program to eliminate that annoying ringing noise (EAR,s)

What if I told you there was a simple, inexpensive, easy way to stop that ringing in your ears and finally listen to NOTHING! Contained in this letter is all the information on Tinnitus you need and how you can cure the condition at home in just a few minutes a day. Tinnitus is a buzzing or ringing noise in the ears. This is a very serious condition where left untreated can interrupt your sleep and becomes very very frustrating. (I'm sure you already know how frustrating this is!) Natural Health Cures!.. Ringing in your ears... Get relief Now... improve your more expensive Drs. visits...think about what your body is telling sends you signals when you eat to spicy of food...what are your ears telling you...listen to your body...

The buzzing, ringing, popping or humming noise from your ears has a medical name...Tinnitus.
* Is it some harmless annoying noise that will eventually go away. or is it you body telling you there is something wrong. When you eat something that disagrees with your stomach...what happens? Your body sends signals to you by way of gas, pain, cramps, and other uncomfortable symptoms.Telling you not to eat that kind of food.

* If you have allergies and you encounter something your body is rejecting, what happens? You start to sneeze, your eyes might start watering, and you may even break out into a rash. So when your ears are making any sort of noise, what is your body telling you?

* Have you ever had to see a Dr. about your ears? Have you thought about it, but thought it wasn't anything to worry about and it would eventually go away. Most of us do. There are things you can do for your body that naturally prevent and cure most any problem you have.

* All of us during the course of our lives will have some sort of noise problem from our ears. We hope some of the information we share with you will help give you some options if you currently have this problem or for future reference.

* A lot of people start to notice noises from their ears when Spring arrives. Why? In the Winter months your body produces more ear wax, due to the cold weather outside. It's for protection. Like wearing your warm Winter clothes. Then when the weather warms up, your body doesn't need that much wax and tries to get rid of it. I know someone who's ears actually start popping and causing pain when the seasons change. That would be my significant other.

* So we began researching this problem to find an alternative to putting ear wash solutions into his ears, which by the way caused him more pain than just leaving the wax in his ears!!! We are natural health cure nuts anyway and try and pass as much of this information along as we can. If we can help just one person then we have done our job.

* We found in our research a product called "Ear Candles" made from bees wax. What is a ear candle? Well, the first time we heard about this product was from another family member. She came to visit and had some with her. The subject came up about his painful ears and she used these ear candles on his ears. We have never been without them since. We use them about 1-2 times a year. What you do is take the candle and a round tin pie pan, poke a hole in the center of the pie pan. Stick this very large hollow candle in it, put the small end of the candle into your ear and light the candle on fire. YES, I said light the candle on FIRE!!!We thought she was crazy. The candle burns slowly drawing the build-up of wax out, painlessly. When you are done, you can unwrap the part of the candle that you don't burn and see the wax. If you have never cleaned your ears with a ear candle before, be prepared for some nasty looking and nasty smelling wax. Be sure and follow the directions on the candle package or email us and we will help walk you thru it.

* You can buy ear wax candles at most health food stores. They are also available at on our search side bar. They are about $1.00 a piece at the health food stores. There is also a book on Amazon called "Wally's Practical Guide to Ear Candling" Type in "ear candle" or "ear candle books".Amazon has great prices on new and used books. We hope this information was helpful. The link below is meant to help people who need immediate assistance, and is a book download.

This site is dedicated to help inform you of some of the options to better your health by using natural health cures. We have been researching natural health cures for about 20 years or so. We are currently working on linking our Cancer sites to this site. Cancer is a very personal subject for our family and we have spent half our lives researching it. If we can save one life with our research, then we have done our job. Good news, we have successfully linked some of our sites below.

We work from home. And we thank you for visiting our site. We are also currently working on bring to this site more online shopping stores for our customers convenience. Feel free to put us into your favorites and come back and visit us again. Keep checking back for our other 22 health site updates. Take care.

Disclaimer: This site is for informational purposes only. The author is not a medical doctor or trained nutritionist and is not responsible for any consequences regarding your use or intended use of any information provided on this site. Always check with your medical professional or trained nutritionist before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle regarding your health.

Please feel free to shop on our sidebar stores for some great sales.

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Cancer Site Click On Picture
Cancer Site

Health Tip:
There are several acupuncture sites on your body that when you are stressed, upset stomach, or feeling pain, that you can tap on to relieve these symptoms. Yes, it really works. The sites to tap are as follows...your right and left cheekbone(the highest part of your cheek)...your collar bone (both sides closest to your throat)...your right and left hand on the side by your little finger. Begin by tapping about 10 times on your cheek, then 10 times on tip of your collar bone then 10 times on your outer hand bone near your little finger and then repeat. It usually takes about 1 minute for results. Use 3 fingers to do this.

Lung Detox Click On Picture
Lung Detox

Health Tip:
When the weather is cold, and usually the wind is blowing, you might get an ear ache. If you or someone your with gets an ear ache outside...blow your warm breathe into their ear. Try and seal your lips as tight as possible around the opening of their ear and blow gently and slowly. It may take several times to releave the pain. Then try and keep the ear covered to stop the pain from returning. Cotton balls work the best, but even I don't pack cotton balls with me. I've used the cotton part of a ciggarette butt. Sounds gross, but it works in a pinch.

If You Smoke Click On Picture
If You Smoke
Health Tip:
If your immune system is good, then don't you think you could avoid future health problems. If you keep your car tuned-up and do oil changes on time...doesn't it extend the life of your car? Then why not extend your own life expectancy. Providing your body with the proper nutrients everyday will do just that. The food we eat in our busy lives usually doesn't provide the nutrients you need to run right. Make sense. Simple things make a world of difference. Take a good multivitamin and a good liquid mineral( citric tasting). As well as Noni Juice for your immune system. Don't buy any of these at discount stores. Besides feeling better, keep track of how many times this year you get sick. Also watch the people you are around and keep track of how sick they are this year and compare it to you. When everyone else is sharing the flu, hopefully you will be passing it by.


Health Tip:
Do you think of the word DIET as a four letter word. Does going to the gym and working out sound as exciting as getting an espresso enema!! Join the club. I personally have purchased and wasted more money on weight loss equipment that never gets used...I could have gone on a cruise for the amount I have wasted. It always ends up in a garage sale and then feeling guilty later and I go out and buy more...promising myself this time I'm going to stick to it. NEVER HAPPENS! I even joined a gym for 1 year. I went about 20 times. More money wasted. If you want to increase your metabolism and lose weight, stop wasting money on things you know you won't stick's my advice. Use the acupuncture sites I described above when you feel stressed instead of eating to calm yourself. Incorporate some kind of multivitamin/mineral supplement that I described above. And most importantly...improve your metabolism. How? It's easy... All you have to do to begin with is walk in place for 15 min. while your watching TV. Do this everyday for 1 month. When the weather is good outside...take the dog for a walk. No dog? Take the cat...we have a cat stroller for our cats and we take them every chance we get. 15min...that's all. Over time you will increase your metabolism and energy level and feel more like doing other things instead of couch potatoeing. Most of all decrease your food intake. If you follow this SIMPLE advice...your body won't crave as much food, and it's easy to stick to walking for 15 min. Good luck.

Remove Warts, Moles, Skin Tags, Click On Picture
Remove Warts, Moles, Skin Tags

Shopping Tip:
Most people love a sale. But how do you know when and where the best sales are? If you have any in store credit know that they send you thru the mail all the good sales coming up!!! If you don't have those cards then you are looking in the newspapers, hearing from your friends, family and co-workers who's having a sale. I don't recommend having massive credit cards and debt. However if you can pick 2-3 stores that you shop at most...then get those cards and pay them off every month. In other words don't spend money on a credit card if you don't have the money in your bank account right now to pay it off!!! Otherwise these great sale items that you buy won't be a good buy if your paying interest on your purchases. I like to buy when their are 75% off sales. Now that's a buy!! I always hit the 75% off racks 1st. I also shop online these days because of the cost of GAS!!! If you spend the time online you can find some great buys...including freight. Look for stores who offer free shipping. And always look ahead for birthday presents and items ONLY!!! Happy shopping.

UTI  Info

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